"Sara effortlessly combines the elemental characteristics of intensity (to her craft) and lightheartedness (to her process). This naturally creates an environment that invites each person to step into the highest version of who they are, unapologetically nod to where they’ve been, and feel belief in the possibility of who they dream to become."

- anna Scott 

- Vincent van gogh

I’ve always had the desire to not only observe what this beautiful world has to offer, but to create and contribute to it. Capturing the celebration of life itself has always been my thing. 

What really keeps my artist heart pumpin' is the never ending opportunity to embrace our uniqueness. To step forth in knowing we as individuals, and as the collective, are always becoming. We evolve, we learn, we grow.  Photographs are a visual, tangible, and eternal reminder of who we are and what we value most. A constant that stays seated in ever-present change.

Well to be honest, I have no idea.

It all started when...

Let's skip the small talk...

What got me here?

While I've always had an artistic drive, my first memories with a camera begin at 14. Everyday after school I would rush home to a tripod and my mom's old camera and take self portraits. At that age, self actualization is everything. I simply wanted to see what I looked like. I also wanted to see how the world sees me. I realized with a camera, I had the capacity to shape how I wanted the world to see me, and ultimately how I see myself. I had the key that opened the door to a place where I could create anything by using the elements our own reality. It was empowering, it was limitless, it was magic. And I couldn't let it go.




Fast forward several years and I made the leap to attend The Hartford Art School for Photography. It was there that I truly stepped into who I am as an artist. After graduation, I started my business, and well...here we are!

Me, 14,  on the floor of my bedroom (2009)

In Art School, With a Medium Format Film Camera (2017)




My Roots, My Hallelujah, My home sweet home. 

I was born and raised in a small town of north Mississippi. I grew up running barefoot, fishing with my dad, hunting for honeysuckle flowers, climbing magnolias, riding horses. Looking back, time felt like it moved so slow. The memories I have of my childhood are irrevocably special. Intertwined in my heart, etched in my soul. This place, and the people within it, established my wildness, my connection to the land, and my unconditional love for others - family and strangers alike. 

If you listen closely, you may hear my accent slip out now and again. If you don't, remind me to book a flight back home for a refresh.

My Dad, Brother, and Sister on ArkabuTLa lake. Taken with 35mm FIlm 





When I'm not taking photos...

You'll find me
-  reading. ALWAY reading. I love fantasy novels!
- enjoying nature in any form
-  traveling to see family and friends
-  telling myself I don't need another bag of flamin' hot cheetos

-  having high vibe conversations about universal truths with anyone who's down to talk about it 
-  burning something on the stove
-  camping with friends
-  snowboarding
-  craving any experience that reminds us of the beauty in the world

Let's do whatever it is that leads you to the light you deserve to stand in. Forget the rules, and just feel. We can walk to the edge, outside of the box, beyond the lines. We can find solitude in risk and rebellion. We can see that art is found, is made, in being resolutely who we are. 

Face The Sun

Sara Mcingvale photography is A PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER based in Central CT

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